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SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog

Introduction to STAC geojson

SpatioTemporal Asset Catalogs (STAC) are json and geojson files that describe (i.e., metadata) and catalog geospatial assets for ease of discovery and sharing across the web. The geospatial assets can be any type of geospatial data, including imagery, point clouds, datacubes, and vector data. Developing STAC has been an open collaborative effort across the geospatial community with the goal of standardizing the way geospatial assets are described and shared across the web.

Using the STAC model, geospatial assets can be stored anywhere in cloud storage (like s3, blob, google cloud, or Cyverse). The json and geojson files that are used to describe and locate the assets can also be located anywhere, but are all indexed in a central place, the STAC Index. By using this model we are essentially creating one giant open catalog of geospatial data.

Image title

The STAC distributed catalog model

Browsing through STAC catalogs to find data or imagery of interest can be done basically two ways:

  • The Radiant Earth STAC Browser provides a nice graphical interface to browse through content and a map to preview the data. There will typically be descriptions of the data including the data provider, the data license, and the data format. There will also be links to download or stream the actual data from it's location in cloud storage.

Image title

Browsing Geospatial Data with STAC Browser
  • You can query and interact with STAC catalogs programmatically by using python libraries such as pystac and pystac_client.

Use Case 1: A researcher wants to find all the Sentinel-2 imagery that is available for a particular area of interest. They can search the STAC Index for all the STACs that contain Sentinel-2 imagery. They can then search the STACs for the imagery that they need.

Image title

STAC Spec on GitHub

There are four components to making a given STAC run. They can be used independently of one another, but most often they are all used together:

Component Definition Format
item core atomic unit, representing a single spatiotemporal asset GeoJSON
catalogs a file of links that provides a structure to organize and browse STAC Items JSON
collections additional information such as the extents, license, keywords, providers, etc that describe STAC Items JSON
API a RESTful endpoint that enables search of STAC Items, specified in OpenAPI, following OGC Web Feature Service 3.0 Web Service


The assets are the actual datasets presented through the STAC.

The assets are typically stored in cloud optimized formats like GeoTIFF (COG) (.tif), point cloud (COPC) (.laz), or datacubes like HDF5, NetCDF, Xarray, or Zarr (.hdf, .nc, .DataArray, .zarr).

within the assets block, the "href": "" points directly to the physical file on the internet.

When the asset file is in a cloud optimized format, it can be read dynamically without downloading the entire file.

Example assets block in an item
"assets": {
    "visual": {
        "href": "",
        "type": "image/tiff; application=geotiff; profile=cloud-optimized",
        "title": "3-Band Visual",
        "roles": [
    "thumbnail": {
        "href": "",
        "title": "Thumbnail",
        "type": "image/jpeg",
        "roles": [


An item is described by GeoJSON with metadata which describe an asset and links to the actual data hosted on the internet.

item specification

items enable the client (a STAC Browser) to scan a catalog and present the metadata and to preview the asset.

Example item

Example simple-item.json

    "stac_version": "1.0.0",
    "stac_extensions": [],
    "type": "Feature",
    "id": "20201211_223832_CS2",
    "bbox": [
    "geometry": {
        "type": "Polygon",
        "coordinates": [
    "properties": {
    "datetime": "2020-12-11T22:38:32.125000Z"
    "collection": "simple-collection",
    "links": [
            "rel": "collection",
            "href": "./collection.json",
            "type": "application/json",
            "title": "Simple Example Collection"
            "rel": "root",
            "href": "./collection.json",
            "type": "application/json",
            "title": "Simple Example Collection"
            "rel": "parent",
            "href": "./collection.json",
            "type": "application/json",
            "title": "Simple Example Collection"
    "assets": {
        "visual": {
            "href": "",
            "type": "image/tiff; application=geotiff; profile=cloud-optimized",
            "title": "3-Band Visual",
            "roles": [
        "thumbnail": {
            "href": "",
            "title": "Thumbnail",
            "type": "image/jpeg",
            "roles": [


A catalog is a simple, flexible JSON file with links that provides the structure to organize and browse STAC items.

catalog specification

STAC Catalog Relation and Media Types

Self: Absolute URL to the JSON file

Root: URL to root catalog or collection

Parent: URL to a Parent STAC Specification (could be an item, catalog, or collection)

Child: URL to a Child STAC Specification (item, catalog, or collection)

Catalog Relation and Media Type examples
"id": "examples",
"type": "Catalog",
"title": "Example Catalog",
"stac_version": "1.0.0",
"description": "This catalog is a simple demonstration of an example catalog that is used to organize a hierarchy of collections and their items.",
"links": [
    "rel": "root",
    "href": "./catalog.json",
    "type": "application/json"
    "rel": "child",
    "href": "./extensions-collection/collection.json",
    "type": "application/json",
    "title": "Collection Demonstrating STAC Extensions"
    "rel": "child",
    "href": "./collection-only/collection.json",
    "type": "application/json",
    "title": "Collection with no items (standalone)"
    "rel": "child",
    "href": "./collection-only/collection-with-schemas.json",
    "type": "application/json",
    "title": "Collection with no items (standalone with JSON Schemas)"
    "rel": "item",
    "href": "./collectionless-item.json",
    "type": "application/json",
    "title": "Collection with no items (standalone)"
    "rel": "self",
    "href": "",
    "type": "application/json"
Example catalog

Example of a `catalog

"id": "examples",
"type": "Catalog",
"title": "Example Catalog",
"stac_version": "1.0.0",
"description": "This catalog is a simple demonstration of an example catalog that is used to organize a hierarchy of collections and their items.",
"links": [
    "rel": "root",
    "href": "./catalog.json",
    "type": "application/json"
    "rel": "child",
    "href": "./extensions-collection/collection.json",
    "type": "application/json",
    "title": "Collection Demonstrating STAC Extensions"
    "rel": "child",
    "href": "./collection-only/collection.json",
    "type": "application/json",
    "title": "Collection with no items (standalone)"
    "rel": "child",
    "href": "./collection-only/collection-with-schemas.json",
    "type": "application/json",
    "title": "Collection with no items (standalone with JSON Schemas)"
    "rel": "item",
    "href": "./collectionless-item.json",
    "type": "application/json",
    "title": "Collection with no items (standalone)"
    "rel": "self",
    "href": "",
    "type": "application/json"


collections include important annotation metadata about multiple catalogs and items.

collection specification

A simple collection contains a minimum of three JSON items:

Component Definition Format
simple-item JSON
core-item JSON
extended-item JSON
Example collection items

In addition to the three linked items, the root and self provide links to themselves:

"links": [
    "rel": "root",
    "href": "./collection.json",
    "type": "application/json",
    "title": "Simple Example Collection"
    "rel": "item",
    "href": "./simple-item.json",
    "type": "application/geo+json",
    "title": "Simple Item"
    "rel": "item",
    "href": "./core-item.json",
    "type": "application/geo+json",
    "title": "Core Item"
    "rel": "item",
    "href": "./extended-item.json",
    "type": "application/geo+json",
    "title": "Extended Item"
    "rel": "self",
    "href": "",
    "type": "application/json"
Example collection

Example of a simple-collection.json

"id": "simple-collection",
"type": "Collection",
"stac_extensions": [
"stac_version": "1.0.0",
"description": "A simple collection demonstrating core catalog fields with links to a couple of items",
"title": "Simple Example Collection",
"providers": [
    "name": "Remote Data, Inc",
    "description": "Producers of awesome spatiotemporal assets",
    "roles": [
    "url": ""
"extent": {
    "spatial": {
    "bbox": [
    "temporal": {
    "interval": [
"license": "CC-BY-4.0",
"summaries": {
    "platform": [
    "constellation": [
    "instruments": [
    "gsd": {
    "minimum": 0.512,
    "maximum": 0.66
    "eo:cloud_cover": {
    "minimum": 1.2,
    "maximum": 1.2
    "proj:epsg": {
    "minimum": 32659,
    "maximum": 32659
    "view:sun_elevation": {
    "minimum": 54.9,
    "maximum": 54.9
    "view:off_nadir": {
    "minimum": 3.8,
    "maximum": 3.8
    "view:sun_azimuth": {
    "minimum": 135.7,
    "maximum": 135.7
"links": [
    "rel": "root",
    "href": "./collection.json",
    "type": "application/json",
    "title": "Simple Example Collection"
    "rel": "item",
    "href": "./simple-item.json",
    "type": "application/geo+json",
    "title": "Simple Item"
    "rel": "item",
    "href": "./core-item.json",
    "type": "application/geo+json",
    "title": "Core Item"
    "rel": "item",
    "href": "./extended-item.json",
    "type": "application/geo+json",
    "title": "Extended Item"
    "rel": "self",
    "href": "",
    "type": "application/json"



API specification

Creating your own STACs

Generating your own STACs can be done manually, programmatically, or using a templated editor.

Create a Catalog with PyStac, a python library

Tutorials to read/write STAC using the python library Pystac

Official STAC Learning Examples

Python code to create STAC using a Jupyter Notebook

Last update: 2023-12-05